How often do you start the day already feeling stuck?
As we find our way through life’s transitions, it can feel as if every corner we round holds a new expectation or demand, asking us to level up in some way on someone else’s timeline.
Often these milestones require us to be new at many things simultaneously.
We gauge our success and progress using the measuring stick handed to us by the world.
The narratives fed to us during these huge life changes — who is capable, what success looks like, how to belong — are narrow and limited in a rise-and-grind culture.
It’s painful to sort out what matters to us with the barrage of messages pouring in declaring it ALL matters, leaving so many of us in a perpetual state of stress or loneliness.
Perhaps you’re missing context and skills to make life work for you, or the ways you know to advocate are no longer working.
It’s not your fault that navigating these seasons of growth feel impossible.
What gets in your way?
Nobody showed you other ways of humaning through these seasons.
You feel like you should have it figured out.
You don’t know how to articulate your needs and hold boundaries that keep you in the driver’s seat.
Am I the coach for you?
I partner with teens and adults to get through whatever is holding them back from where they want to go or how they want to show up – without shame.
I don’t believe you need to be fixed. You just need space and a trusted guide to help you step into yourself.
I will partner with you to identify the areas you want to grow and support you in that growth – personally, professionally, or both.
I know it can feel nerve-wracking to be the boss of you, so I’m here to coach you through that, too.
My clients are doing work in coaching that will help them now and carry them through future challenges.
Starting the work of yourself: cultivating self-trust, self-advocacy, self-awareness, and self-compassion will serve you no matter what you do or where you go because it tethers you to who you are.
I’m rooting for you!
Coach Sarah